stephanie malia krauss
(she, her, hers)
senior fellow
stephanie aims to ensure that young people of today are ready for the world of tomorrow—and that the world is ready for them. she works at the intersection of youth development, workforce development, and alternative secondary school pathways to transform traditional education systems to better prepare youth for the future. as an educator, a mother, and a proud ged recipient, stephanie feels passionate about supporting all young people, with a special focus on opportunity youth. her work centers young people and families who are most likely to be harmed or held back by traditional systems.
stephanie is a nationally recognized leader and advocate in youth and workforce development. she has led initiatives with jobs for the future, the forum for youth investment, and the youth transition funders group, in addition to providing expertise to the ceres institute for children & youth, and the children’s funding project. before working in state and national policy, stephanie led a nonprofit that operated one of the nation’s first alternative competency-based high schools. she started her career as a classroom teacher.