
in idaho
partnering with the idaho state department of education (isde) to:

provide trauma-informed professional development

region 17 cc is partnering with isde to build its capacity to offer professional development on trauma-informed practices. isde staff members will deliver this training at the 2024 idaho prevention and support conference. developed materials will be publicly available on isde’s website.

implement state tribal education partnership (step) grants

education leaders across the state are partnering to improve access, opportunities, and achievement for american indian students in idaho's public school system. as part of this work, region 17 cc will assist the coeur d’alene, nez perce, and shoshone bannock tribes in implementing step grants in schools operating within their territories. the project’s goal is to enhance consultation and collaboration by implementing a process developed by the native education collaborative, a component of the national comprehensive center.

facilitate mentoring for education professionals

the isde and the state board of education are collaborating to ensure new teachers in idaho receive high-quality mentoring. region 17 cc will provide guidance and content expertise to support efforts to implement evidence-based activities related to mentoring for educators. the cc will also collaborate with the isde in defining the framework or model for statewide mentoring and developing guidance to support implementation and sustainability.

improve idaho’s comprehensive assessment system

a comprehensive assessment system informs improvement of student learning at every level. region 17 cc will support the isde in developing and implementing a process to collect and analyze data on state partners’ understanding of idaho’s assessment system. this process, which will support continuous improvement of the system, will also address how partners are using it and how it could be more useful.

conduct strategic planning on federal programs

region 17 cc is supporting isde staff members in connecting information on inputs, outputs, and outcomes of federal programs the department monitors. with this support, program staff members will create a logic model, measurement plan, and a plan for monitoring the progress of each program active in the state.

in montana
partnering with the montana office of public instruction (opi) to:

establish a through-year assessment system

opi plans to develop and scale an innovative system that aligns assessments with local learning models and cultural contexts, deepens student learning, and more consistently measures growth throughout the school year. region 17 cc will review best practices for establishing the system, engage partners to ensure test items reflect local contexts, and build capacity for data literacy and data-driven instruction.

improve the standards review process

region 17 cc is collaborating with opi to develop a process to review and revise state academic standards. the process includes forming and facilitating workgroups that comprise teachers, administrators, families, and other community members and that are charged with tasks such as reducing redundancies, simplifying language, and prioritizing concepts.

initiate math innovation zones

opi’s math innovation zones program is designed to prepare schools to transition to personalized learning models in math. during the 2023/24 school year, a cohort of schools and districts have been participating in collaborative professional development as they co-design their school community’s personalized learning environment. the cohort will implement their plans in the 2024/25 school year. region 17 cc will support opi in developing processes and guides to facilitate implementation fidelity as well as promising practices that can support students.

plan for more rigorous intervention

some montana schools identified for comprehensive support and improvement (csi) have not improved sufficiently to exit this status. the state’s essa plan requires more rigorous intervention for these schools, and opi is amending its plan to define this intervention. this amendment will result in a select number of schools receiving more rigorous intervention support beginning in spring 2024. region 17 cc will support the opi in developing and implementing plans and processes for this more rigorous intervention for identified csi schools.

strengthen the educator workforce

across montana, students are experiencing a shortage of highly qualified, effective teachers. to address this, opi has partnered with region 17 cc to develop the montana teacher residency demonstration project—a program that redesigns the way educators are prepared to join the workforce.  read how this teaching residency aims to provide top-quality preparation and support for montana’s future teachers.

regional and national projects

connecting rural educators

the northwest rural innovation and student engagement (nw rise) network brings together teachers and leaders from some of the region’s most isolated and remote communities. through regular convenings, members share their expertise with peers in similar contexts to develop useful solutions. a network of schools helping schools—especially isolated ones—can raise achievement and increase student engagement by sharing relevant, practical advice that works for rural communities.

participating in national workgroups

region 17 cc partners with the national comprehensive center and other regional ccs to support states in addressing immediate policy and practice issues. specifically, we provide guidance and expertise in workgroups focused on bolstering states’ capacity to:

  • improve education for native students
  • accelerate student learning using american rescue plan funds
  • strengthen and diversify the educator workforce

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