research digest — april 2021

a monthly digest for state education agency staff, highlighting research and resources supporting state priorities.

learning recovery: how to develop and implement effective tutoring programs

the national comprehensive center released a resource collection on tutoring as an effective option for learning recovery. the resources are separated by audience. for educators, resources include an introduction to learning loss and learning recovery, best practices in designing tutoring programs, and examples of tutoring programs currently in place. for district and state administrators, resources include the evidence of effectiveness of tutoring programs, guidance for scaling tutoring programs, and costs of tutoring programs.

building a culture of staff wellness through multi-tiered system of supports

the center on positive behavioral interventions and support released a brief providing recommendations to district and school leadership teams on how the components of positive behavioral interventions and supports can be used to prioritize staff health and wellbeing.

planning for summer school in 2021

tntp released a guide outlining several approaches for designing summer learning programs that fit the range of circumstances and challenges school systems are facing. it includes guiding questions to help system leaders determine the kind of summer program they are ready to take on—and that would best position their students for success in the years ahead.

engaging representatives of learners with special population status through perkins v

advance cte released a report designed to help states establish processes and routines for systematically engaging representatives of learners with special population status at the state level. the report draws on advance cte’s review of state perkins v plans as well as key informant interviews in select states to document four steps for meaningful stakeholder engagement beyond perkins v:

  1. engage and build trust with influencers, advocacy groups and state agencies representing learners with special population status.
  2. build internal knowledge and capacity at the state level by designating liaisons for targeted special population groups and deepening knowledge about the needs and interests of their communities.
  3. operationalize engagement by formalizing structures and routines for engaging representatives of learners with special population status and for coordinating services across state agencies.
  4. act on stakeholder input and establish feedback loops to ensure that resources and services are addressing stakeholders’ most urgent needs.

integrating language while teaching mathematics

the national clearinghouse for english language acquisition released a practice brief providing educators with current research findings and evidence-based, high quality, instructional mathematics’ practices from the institute of education sciences’ practice guide for teaching english learners academic content. in addition, the brief provides educators who train teachers with the latest research on how to better prepare the next generation of teachers.

instructional time policy 101

the education commission of the states released a brief examining instructional time policies. instructional time policy is critical to education service delivery as it sets minimum, and sometimes maximum, requirements for learning time. however, instructional time policies and waivers differ greatly depending on the state. this policy outline is a quick guide for understanding instructional time policies, including trends, considerations for state leaders, and legislative examples.

strengthen and diversify the educator workforce

the national comprehensive center released a collection of resources to help education leaders use research and evidence-based strategies to ensure all students are supported by a diverse and effective educator workforce. resources are intended to support leaders in addressing identified gaps along the educator career pathway, using evidence-based strategies and innovations best suited to needs, and identifying and mitigating bias in existing policies, systems, and practices.

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