news from region 17 cc

 region 17, montana opi project featured in new used video

april 2024

a new video highlights the impact of the montana teacher residency demonstration project on montana’s teacher workforce, its schools, and its students.

 we’re still climbing: a region 17 dispatch from the esea conference

march 2024

at the national elementary and secondary education act conference held in february, the throughline message was there is still much work to be done to get students back to—and beyond—pre-pandemic achievement levels.

 strengthening suicide prevention in rural schools

september 2023

suicide deaths reached a record high in the united states in 2022, with many rural states reporting higher rates than the rest of the country. dr. kurt michael, clinical suicidologist specializing in the nature and treatment of suicide risk among youth, shares key prevention strategies.

 planning for academic standards revision

august 2023

academic standards are critical to ensuring students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in society. so how should states approach the development of a process for revising these standards to keep up with the times? download our guide, based on work with idaho and montana, for a checklist of components to consider.

 coaching idaho teachers in the science of reading

june 2023

the idaho reading coach academy trains reading coaches in the evidence-based science of reading approach to literacy and prepares them to coach their peers. coach shantelle oliphant explains how the region 17 comprehensive center supports this effort.

 redesigning the educator workforce in montana

may 2023

we have been supporting montana’s office of public instruction to develop a new residency program that redesigns the way people are prepared to join the educator workforce. read how this program aims to address educator shortage and turnover in montana.

 building a statewide network of literacy leaders: the idaho reading coach academy

may 2023

as part of its k–3 literacy initiative, the idaho state department of education partnered with us to create a training and support program for reading coaches. learn how the academy is making a difference across the state.

 lifting up together: moving forward to accelerate student learning

february 2023

at the 2023 national esea conference, regional comprehensive centers described investments that states are making in each of these areas in a session titled "increasing velocity and effectiveness: state approaches to learning acceleration".

 helping rural teachers team up with nw rise

december 2022

the northwest rural innovation and student engagement (nw rise) network provides rural teachers with the kind of professional learning community their peers in more densely populated areas often benefit from.

 monitoring districtwide whole child supports

november 2022

whole child supports that encompass students’ well-being, academic, and life skill development can be difficult to track across a district. learn about a new self-assessment tool that helps district teams identify current practices and areas for improvement.

 did you ask the students?

september 2022

how do we know if the programs and policies we develop meet the needs of students? one of the best, most simple ways to answer this question is by asking the students themselves.

 finding the right direction: collecting esser data in idaho

july 2022

state education agencies are required to monitor use of allocated esser funds, but they do not need to collect data on whether leas’ efforts are working. learn how idaho plans to address this gap in progress monitoring.

 it’s hard to win a race running backwards: accelerated learning and the covid-19 pandemic

may 2022

given the unprecedented disruption from the pandemic and the expectations of k–12 systems, it is clear that accelerated learning must focus on moving students forward—not going backward to try to catch up.

 region 17 comprehensive center welcomes new leadership

may 2022

the region 17 comprehensive center is excited to welcome new leaders in two roles. jennifer esswein will serve as the center’s new director, and jacob williams will serve as the new deputy director.

 research digest

january 2022

a periodical digest for state education agency staff, highlighting research and resources supporting state priorities.

 new meet-ups connect rural teachers and leaders

december 2021

these monthly one-hour virtual gatherings, held the second tuesday of each month, give rural educators a chance to learn, reflect, share ideas, and receive specific resources they can use immediately in their classrooms.

 tribal consultation toolkit

november 2021

learn about a new toolkit designed to guide effective, inclusive, and culturally responsive consultation that respects tribal self-determination and advances collaboration between state and local education agencies, schools, and tribes.

 a new season for education: moving forward together

november 2021

as the colorful fall leaves suggest, a new season of education has arrived. although pandemic-related challenges persist, we find hope in new opportunities: new funding, new policies, and new ideas for teaching and learning.

 research digest

october 2021

a periodical digest for state education agency staff, highlighting research and resources supporting state priorities.

 monitoring elementary and secondary school emergency relief (esser) fund plans

october 2021

the department of education provided additional funding through the esser plan to address the urgent needs of teachers and students. how can districts ensure that their esser programs are effectively addressing these needs, so appropriate adjustments could be made in time to ensure a positive impact?

 improving conditions for learning in idaho

september 2021

a diverse group of stakeholders from across idaho have made recommendations for improving the behavioral health and wellness services (bhws) available to students in the state’s schools.

 research digest

august 2021

a monthly digest for state education agency staff, highlighting research and resources supporting state priorities.

 designing locally relevant plans to support learning recovery

july 2021

data suggests the covid-19 pandemic has affected classrooms across the nation unevenly. in response, the u.s. department of education is approving state use of american rescue plan (arp) funds to help schools cope with the impact of the pandemic and accelerate the effort to reopen safely.

 research digest

june 2021

a monthly digest for state education agency staff, highlighting research and resources supporting state priorities.

 research digest

april 2021

a monthly digest for state education agency staff, highlighting research and resources supporting state priorities.

 advice for literacy leaders in disrupted environments

march 2021

learn about a new set of guides that literacy leadership teams can use to encourage all school staff to collaborate and adapt to modified instructional approaches—whether teaching online, in person, or a hybrid of both.

 research digest

february 2021

a monthly digest for state education agency staff, highlighting research and resources supporting state priorities.

 no more of the same

february 2021

montana office of public instruction's sharyl allen explains the need to review and revise the montana board of public education’s administrative rules and looks at what's driving the state's effort to make more wide-ranging changes, especially to educator licensure and teacher preparation.

 research digest

january 2021

a monthly digest for state education agency staff, highlighting research and resources supporting state priorities.

 helping families support young english learners at home

january 2021

learn about a resource and february 3 webinar focused on helping families of young english learners build on their home language to help students develop their english skills while at home.

 research digest

december 2020

a monthly digest for state education agency staff, highlighting research and resources supporting state priorities.

 circles of reflection: collaborating to create school environments where native students thrive

november 2020

the region 17 cc is piloting a facilitated self-reflection process developed through the national comprehensive center’s american indian and alaska native education project. “circles of reflection” engages sea staff in rich, reflective discussions and strategic planning with tribal communities and school leaders to create school environments where native students thrive.

 research digest

november 2020

a monthly digest for state education agency staff, highlighting research and resources supporting state priorities.

 idaho takes steps to improve adolescent literacy

november 2020

isde and the region 17 cc developed two sets of trainings (each with a corresponding evidence-based facilitator guide)—one focused on adolescent literacy and the other focused on teaching academic content and literacy to english learner students. all training materials are available to download.

 research digest

september 2020

a monthly digest for state education agency staff, highlighting research and resources supporting state priorities.

 toolkit helps principals navigate the return to school

august 2020

there are probably no issues more important to a community than the safety and education of its children. this fall, principals bear enormous responsibility for addressing both in a delicate balance as they lead their schools in reopening safely, effectively, and equitably.

 ways to rise to the challenge of remote professional learning

july 2020

northwest rural innovation and student engagement (nw rise) network member cynthia johnston reflects on the value of network convenings—whether face-to-face or remote—on her professional development and sense of well-being as an educator.

 a letter from our director

july 2020

with our country at a turning point, everyone at the region 17 comprehensive center is committed to partnering with our stakeholders to build strong education systems that create a better world for every student. learn more about our work and how you can be involved.

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