career and technical education in oregon: exploring who participates in high school and the outcomes they achieve

authors: amy arneson, michelle hodara, and steve klein
july 2020

career and technical education (cte) programs help students develop the academic and technical skills they need to continue their educations and enter high-wage, in-demand careers. but which oregon students participate in these programs, and what are the results?

this study, conducted in collaboration with the oregon department of education and the state’s higher education coordinating commission, is the first to examine secondary cte offerings and student participation and outcomes in oregon under perkins iv—the carl d. perkins career and technical education act of 2006. the study’s data are from oregon’s implementation of perkins iv, from 2007–8 through 2017–18.

we found that:

  • the number of secondary cte programs increased from 2015 onwards
  • student participation and concentration numbers also increased—but disparities persist
  • cte concentration was positively correlated with higher high school graduation rates and earnings after high school
  • download the full report to learn more, including five implications for policy and practice.

full report