postsecondary education and cte

april 2018
the backs of three people wearing graduation caps and gowns

preparing students for their next steps in life is at the core of every high school’s mission. we're featuring programs and practices that help educators empower students toward their next steps. here are some of the thought pieces, actionable tools and research-based resources we shared.

why postsecondary education matters

going to college makes a significant difference in students' future earnings. in oregon, career and technical education (cte) is one strategy the state is using to boost high school graduation rates and energize more students to pursue college.

michelle hodara provides hard numbers on why postsecondary education is important and describes how the benefits of cte include strong connections to the labor market, the development of lifelong skills, and an opportunity for schools to re-engage students who may have lost interest in school.

using project-based blended learning to engage career and technical education students

the benefits of career and technical education (cte) run the gamut. for example, cte gives schools an opportunity to engage students and prepare them for high-wage, high-creativity and high-demand careers. but when it comes to cte, what teaching strategies make a difference?

erich stiefvater and jennie fennelle make a case for combining the strengths of project-based and blended learning. this approach can benefit students by providing practical knowledge and skills while maintaining collaboration with peers and instructors (which sometimes get minimized in online courses).

education for life: from wood and metal to semiconductors and programming

thriving career and technical education programs that include dual credit, industry certificates and journeyman credential opportunities accessible to all students are a hallmark of west valley school district 208 in yakima, washington.

what can other districts learn from west valley's experiences? our new article takes a look at the strategies that the district used to take its career and technical education programs to the next level.

what the research says on career technical education (cte): updated for 2018

the past few years have seen renewed enthusiasm in career technical education (cte). that has led to an increase in new programs and policies related to cte and growing attention from the research community.

our librarians recently compiled this list of the latest studies and resources that states, districts and schools can draw from to create and improve cte programs.

what the research says about summer melt

the summer before college is a crucial time when many students lack support networks that they had in high school and may need help to pay tuition bills, obtain financial aid, find housing, or complete other paperwork. for first-generation college students especially, the lack of support can be daunting enough to postpone or cancel college aspirations.