from patty wood, 2022年世界杯预选赛分组 ceo

by patty wood
march 2020
photo of patty wood

to our partners, clients, and friends,

as we enter uncharted waters and learn as a society how to cope with the realities and requirements of living through the covid-19 pandemic, i want to share what we are doing at 2022年世界杯预选赛分组 .

like you, we are prioritizing the health and safety of our employees, their families, and our community at large. as such, we are following public health guidelines from the centers for disease control and prevention. most of our staff is working remotely, but our portland office is currently still open with extremely limited staffing.

although we have curtailed all official business travel for now, we are aggressively pursuing other ways to continue serving our clients, including a variety of virtual meeting settings.

our schools are on the front line now more than ever. with closures and social distancing, they are struggling to meet their primary goal—educate children—as well as provide much-needed services and assurance to their communities.

2022年世界杯预选赛分组 recognizes these challenges, and we are dedicated to helping schools address them.

once you have identified the new capacities in which you will be called to serve students and communities whether it is providing training for teachers as they adapt to distance learning or helping districts deliver online professional development, we are ready to support you.

be well and stay safe,
