oregon accelerated learning dashboard

the oregon accelerated learning dashboard provides information about public high school students in oregon who participate in accelerated learning and their high school and college outcomes compared to students who do not participate in accelerated learning. data are available at the individual high school, school district, education service district, community college service region, and state levels between the 2016/17 and 2021/22 academic years.

dashboard notes

this dashboard is based on analyses initially performed in the report titled supporting the transition to college: accelerated learning access, outcomes, and credit transfer in oregon which has an accompanying infographic.

download the supplemental document on this dashboard that provides data that's derived from student-level records as well as more information about data sources and definitions;

term definitions & faqs

types of accelerated learning

used on the participation and composition indexes tabs and their related displays on the longitudinal tab

definitions adapted from expanding accelerated learning in oregon through cross-sector regional partnerships: regional promise grant evaluation (2017-2019 biennium).

advanced placement

courses that prepare students for the ap exam. students may take the exam without taking the course or take the course without taking the exam. college credit is typically available only to those who take the exam and earn a certain score.

direct enrollment

community college or university courses that high school students take on the community college or university campus or online, along with college students, taught by a college faculty member. direct enrollment includes structured programs on college campuses, such as expanded options and early college, as well as direct enrollment by individual students in college courses on a college campus.

dual credit

dual credit is high school-based college credit partnerships. there are three types of high school-based college credit partnerships:

  • dual credit: community college or university courses offered at a high school and taught by a high school teacher with traditional certification to teach dual credit (commonly a master’s degree in the subject area).
  • sponsored dual credit: community college or university courses offered at a high school and taught by a high school teacher partnering with a sponsoring faculty member at a college or university typically through a professional learning community.
  • assessment-based learning: high school courses in which students can earn college credit by demonstrating they have achieved the course learning outcomes on assessments developed in partnership with postsecondary institutions.

dual credit cte

dual credit courses (as described above) coded as career and technical education (cte) course taught by an instructor at hs (includes cte preparatory, apprenticeship, or supplementary dual credit courses) from an oregon community college.

international baccalaureate (ib) courses

courses that follow the ib curriculum. students take the exam only after taking the course, but they may take the course without taking the exam. college credit is typically available to only those who take the course and the exam and earn a certain score.

regional promise

courses implemented by regional promise grantees. in the 2017–19 grant biennium, regional promise consortia classified 72 percent of regional promise courses as dual credit, and the remaining 28 percent did not have an accelerated learning type indicated by the consortia. overall, 7 percent of courses were dually classified as either ap or ib. of the 72 percent classified as dual credit, 55 percent were traditional dual credit, 26 percent were assessment-based learning, and 19 percent were sponsored dual credit. more information about the regional promise program is available online.

participation in accelerated learning

used on the outcomes tab and related display on the longitudinal tab

all students

category includes all 12th grade students in the defined entity, student group, and academic year.

student ever took accelerated learning

category includes all 12th grade students in the defined entity, student group, and academic year, who ever enrolled in any type of accelerated learning (including advanced placement, dual credit, direct enrollment, international baccalaureate, or regional promise) while enrolled in 9th through 12th grades.

student never took accelerated learning

category includes all 12th grade students in the defined entity, student group, and academic year, who never enrolled in any type of accelerated learning (including advanced placement, dual credit, direct enrollment, international baccalaureate, or regional promise) while enrolled in 9th through 12th grades.

note: advanced placement and international baccalaureate data are not available in 2019/20, though these courses were still offered. as a result, a student whose only experience with accelerated learning during 9th through 12th grade was in advanced placement or international baccalaureate during the 2019/20 academic year will erroneously be included in the “student never took accelerated learning” category.

student group definitions

used on participation, composition indexes, outcomes, and longitudinal tabs

english language learner (ell) status

  • student classified as an english learner in k-8 (not 9-12): the student has an indicator of being an el in any grade in k–8 but was reclassified before high school and does not have an indicator of being el in grades 9–12
  • student classified as an english learner in 9-12: the student has an indicator of being an el in any grade in 9–12; some of these students are long-term els and have an indicator of being el in k–8, as well, and others are new els and have an indicator of being el only in grades 9–12
  • student ever classified as an english learner: the student has an indicator of being el in any grade level at an oregon public school.
  • student never classified as an english learner: the student never had an indicator of being el in any grade level at an oregon public school

free or reduced-price lunch (frpl) eligibility

  • student ever eligible for free or reduced-price lunch (frpl): the student has an indicator of frpl eligibility prior to the 2019/20 academic year* in any grade level at an oregon public school
  • student never eligible for free or reduced-price lunch (frpl): the student never has an indicator of frpl eligibility prior to the 2019/20 academic year* in any grade level at an oregon public school

*note: in some schools and districts, all students are classified as eligible for free or reduced-price lunch (regardless of financial need) based on the community eligibility provision (cep). due to an increase in schools and districts qualifying under the cep during the 2019/20 through 2021/22 academic years, student-level frpl data from these years are not included in the calculation of whether a student was ever eligible for frpl. more information about this program, including a list of participating schools and districts, is available on the ode website. please contact sam riggs and kristidel mcgregor with any questions about the program and the data presented in this dashboard.


  • gender values reflect what was reported to ode during the selected academic year and may change over time for an individual student.

individualized education program (iep) status

  • student ever received iep: the student has received special education services in any grade level at an oregon public school.
  • student never received iep: the student never received special education services in any grade level at an oregon public school.


  • race/ethnicity values reflect what was reported to ode during the selected academic year and may change over time for an individual student.
  • students of color: this is a combined group of all students who did not identify as white.

outcome definitions

used on the outcomes tab and related display on the longitudinal tab

high school graduation

numerator: all 12th grade students who graduated high school during the academic year.
denominator: all 12th grade students enrolled during the academic year (graduation includes regular and modified high school diplomas).

immediate college enrollment

numerator: all 12th grade students who graduated high school during the academic year and enrolled in college in the fall term immediately following high school graduation.
denominator: all 12th grade students who graduated high school during the academic year.

16-month college enrollment

numerator: all 12th grade students who graduated high school during the academic year and enrolled in college within 16 months following high school graduation.
denominator: all 12th grade students who graduated high school during the academic year.

enrollment in developmental education at any oregon public community college or university

numerator: all 12th grade students who graduated high school during the academic year and enrolled in developmental education coursework at an oregon public community college or university in the year immediately following high school graduation.
denominator: all 12th grade students who graduated high school during the academic year and enrolled in an oregon public community college or university in the year immediately following high school graduation.

enrollment in developmental education at any oregon public community college

numerator: all 12th grade students who graduated high school during the academic year and enrolled in developmental education coursework at an oregon public community college in the year immediately following high school graduation.
denominator: all 12th grade students who graduated high school during the academic year and enrolled in an oregon public community college in the year immediately following high school graduation.

enrollment in developmental education at any oregon public university

numerator: all 12th grade students who graduated high school during the academic year and enrolled in developmental education coursework at an oregon public university in the year immediately following high school graduation.
denominator: all 12th grade students who graduated high school during the academic year and enrolled in an oregon public university in the year immediately following high school graduation.

college persistence (immediate enrollment)

numerator: all 12th grade students who graduated high school during the academic year, enrolled in college in the fall term immediately following high school graduation, and persisted to the fall term of their second year of college.
denominator: all 12th grade students who graduated high school during the academic year and enrolled in college in the fall term immediately following high school graduation.

college persistence (16-month enrollment)

numerator: all 12th grade students who graduated high school during the academic year, enrolled in college within 16 months following high school graduation, and persisted to the fall term of their second year of college.
denominator: all 12th grade students who graduated high school during the academic year and enrolled in college within 16 months following high school graduation.

note: college enrollment and persistence outcomes are determined by student record in the national student clearinghouse (nsc) data. approximately 99 percent of domestic postsecondary institutions report data to nsc.

frequently asked questions

why is there missing data for my entity for certain years and/or student groups?

to protect student privacy, analyses on groups fewer than 10 are suppressed (not shown).

tip: if your entity is small, select the combined academic year (e.g., “2017/18 – 2021/22” on the participation tab). this approach pools multiple years of students and often the ns are large enough to be shown. additionally, if you are viewing school-level data, change the entity to district or esd to increase the sample size.

why are there districts missing on the map of oregon on the overview tab and/or from the list of districts on the participation, composition indexes, outcomes, and longitudinal tabs?

data for that district may be suppressed (see missing data faq) or may not exist. this is the case for districts that do not serve grades 9-12 (elementary districts that are pk or k to 5 or 8).

why don’t i see data for students who were never eligible for free or reduced-price lunch in my entity?

in some schools and districts, all students are classified as eligible for free or reduced-price lunch (regardless of financial need) based on the community eligibility provision (cep). more information about this program, including a list of participating schools and districts, is available on the ode website. please contact sam riggs and kristidel mcgregor with any questions about the program and the data presented in this dashboard.